Ep 72 What Your Imbalanced Chakras are Telling You

What your imbalanced chakras are telling you? How do you know if one of your chakras is blocked?

In this episode, Jen talks about the underlying emotions and needs that come up around understanding the energy body as it relates to the chakras, the seven energy centers in the body. She also shared what the energy body is and how it relates to the chakras in the physical body which are our energy centers in the physical body.

Are you ready to learn more about your chakras and what they are telling you? Listen in and enjoy!

Key Points to Learn:

  • The 7 energy centers within the body

  • How we become disconnected from our physical body 

  • How the physical manifestation of the sensations of blockage is related to some emotional energy which is often related to a deeper need underneath

  • The different manifestations we can feel when our chakras are blocked

Show Notes:

(4: 14) What inspired her to bring this topic

(5:25) Jen shares one of the resources she started to learn and understand around chakras back in 2014

(6:45) What the seven energy centers are within the body

(8:26) The ways that you can identify whether one of your chakras is blocked

(10:07) Jen shares how she had a hard time going into her body 

(12:25) How the senses and the sensory experience of pleasure is one of the highest vibrations of the human experience

(13:35) Jen shares the different manifestations for each chakra and what we need to do to heal the blockage


(15:52) “We all hold this energy of creation.”

(17:00) “Connection is the life source energy that brings for creation.”

(18:33) “We tend to over give or fix others because we don’t believe in our own worthiness.”

(21:25) “What we really need is not just love, but unconditional love. Love without condition.”

(24:33) “The energy of acceptance is the energy that allows the throat to be used for self-expression.”

(28:26) “We’ve never been abandoned. We only believe that we were.” 

Links Mentioned:


This podcast is to educate, inside, and inform the listeners of various pathways to wholistic well being.  This information is not to replace the advise of your physician, specialist, medical doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician. Please refer to full Medical Disclaimer Here.

Jen Mons

Jen Mons is mentor for healers, coaches, and conscious feminine leaders ready to activate their gifts, embody prosperity and create a legacy. She brings her experience as an Energy & Wellness Intuitive, Holistic Health & Life Coach, Licensed Spiritual Healer, Teacher, and Life Coach Trainer to her programs and retreats. She is the host of the Podcast “Body and Soul Wisdom” , formerly The Embodied Healing Self, since 2019, creator of The Feminine Leadership Method ™, Embodied Feminine CEO, 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Soul Wisdom Imprinting, and the Embodied Feminine CEO and Illuminate Your Soul Retreats. She coaches, mentors, and educates high achieving soul driven female coaches, and and entrepreneurs to redefine success and wealth. Clients arrive by seeking clarity, alignment, balanced energy, joy and fulfillment in their life by harnessing the energy of healing, transmuting saboteurs , owning body and soul wisdom, and clarity to step in to our unique soul wisdom legacy. Through her own life experience and health crises, she has mastered creating the foundation for a blueprint that is an energetic vibrational match for the highest expression of our soul signature and is the creator of the 6 step process “Soul Wisdom Imprinting”.


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Ep 71 Energy Body Alchemy Activation