Ep 42 Healing Cor(e) Wounds to Become your Greatest Gift with Britta Eskey

In this Episode Jen shares one of the greatest presence of healing and mentors in her life, Britta Eskey. Britta is the founder of COR, Latin word for heart, formerly known as Celebration of Being which started 35 years ago.  She has a background in Gestalt, family therapy, family constellation, spiritual direction, emotional release, compassion cultivation , sacred chant, and movement through transformational workshops. 

Key Points  you will learn:

Healing the heart and the mission of COR

The longing we all have for healing

How our deepest wounds become our greatest gifts

Show Notes:

[00:30 ] About Britta

[03:00] My experience through COR

[04:30] COR is born: Our wounds become our gifts

[11:00] The longing and presence for healing

[17:00] Vulnerability gives us permission to crack open

[19:40] The mission of COR as an instrument of love,healing, authenticity

[23:45] Community: Raw and Real Healing on a collective level

[25:45] Survivor Strategies and patterns around core wounds

[30:00] Britta’s childhood wound becomes her gift through COR

[38:00] Transformation, Community and Integration

[40:20] Is this for you?

[45:00] Rights of passage pathways, dates and workshops


[04:33] “The core wounds become our greatest gifts in the world”

[06:15] “Now we can begin”

[8:08] “Let yourself be broken open”

[09:44] “Vulnerability is the gateways to our potential"

[11:40] “The Sleeping Beauty Awoke”

[14:20] “Healing from unconditional love rather then fear”

[16:00] How we show up in one area of our life is how we show up in all areas of our life”

[18:11] “There is no greater gift then to come home to or re discover tor come home to the truth of who we are”

[20:43] “I want to be an instrument of love”

[25:10] “Lightworkers transform the light from the dark”

[28:14] “My healthy self is doing less and just because you can, doesnt mean that you should”

[33:28] “Everything we need…, will come to us, much less effecting then we think”

[44:00] “You don't have to be a deep diver, you just have to want to heal”


For more information of COR Workshops


Healing Opportunities with Jen:

Jen’s website: www.jenmons.com

The Embodied Healing and Empowered Living Collective for 2020

Wholsitic Healthy Lifestyle Facebook Group

Retreat in Costa Rica (August 1-5) https://bodhitreeyogaresort.com


This podcast is to educate, inside, and inform the listeners of various pathways to wholistic well being.  This information is not to replace the advise of your physician, specialist, medical doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietitian. Please refer to full Medical Disclaimer Here.


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Jen Mons

Jen Mons is mentor for healers, coaches, and conscious feminine leaders ready to activate their gifts, embody prosperity and create a legacy. She brings her experience as an Energy & Wellness Intuitive, Holistic Health & Life Coach, Licensed Spiritual Healer, Teacher, and Life Coach Trainer to her programs and retreats. She is the host of the Podcast “Body and Soul Wisdom” , formerly The Embodied Healing Self, since 2019, creator of The Feminine Leadership Method ™, Embodied Feminine CEO, 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Soul Wisdom Imprinting, and the Embodied Feminine CEO and Illuminate Your Soul Retreats. She coaches, mentors, and educates high achieving soul driven female coaches, and and entrepreneurs to redefine success and wealth. Clients arrive by seeking clarity, alignment, balanced energy, joy and fulfillment in their life by harnessing the energy of healing, transmuting saboteurs , owning body and soul wisdom, and clarity to step in to our unique soul wisdom legacy. Through her own life experience and health crises, she has mastered creating the foundation for a blueprint that is an energetic vibrational match for the highest expression of our soul signature and is the creator of the 6 step process “Soul Wisdom Imprinting”.


Ep 43 Rachel Luna, Clarity, Confidence and Cancer


Ep 41 Envision 2020 Your Dream Life Meditation