Ep 128 Healing through Embodied Movement

In this episode, Jen is honored to have Amy Beckler on her show. Amy Beckler is a Florida native, currently residing in Palm Beach County. Throughout her years of Clinical Social Work and Holistic Healing trainings/practices, her passion has blossomed into guiding women, adolescents, and children to heal from trauma, learn coping strategies to manage anxiety, ease depression, and ultimately support her clients to live the best life they possibly can. 

She believes living your best life lies in healing the mind, body, and soul.

Key Notes:

  • How women are hard wired to be part of a tribe

  • How our core root as humans is to be loved, to be seen and heard and validated

  • What we really need to do is express grief instead of suppressing it

Show Notes:

(00:32) Jen introduces this week’s episode guest, Amy Beckler

(04:30) Amy shares how she became passionate in creating sisterhood

(10:20) Amy shares her first experience of healing moment around being rejected and not being part of a tribe

(19:00) How the work truly begins in coming back to healing the wounding around the external validation 

(24:25) How to take that next small step to find the space to be part of a tribe or a sisterhood

(29:50) Amy shares some of her different tools and resources that she used for the Embodiment of Sisterhood and Healing the Divine Feminine

(38:56) Amy shares how and why she started her grief circle

(46:36) How we can feel grief in our heart energy center, it contracts and hardens our heart


(07:55) We can only meet each other as deeply as we met ourselves.

(20:33) It’s not about the other person. It’s really about us.

(35:20) We get to be in the energy of receiving without the feeling that we have to give back all the time.

(42:30) Emotion is energy in motion.

(46:26) We can choose to avoid grief but what we’re doing is avoiding love.

(47:10) You have to feel it to heal it

Connect with Amy:

Website: www.innerbloomwellness.com 

Facebook:  www.facebook.com/amy.beckler.18


IG: https://www.instagram.com/amybecklerlcsw 

Sound Cloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-496154948?ref=clipboard&p=i&c=1&si=7055E5CD3CCD40E08A1E82C8AD346AF1&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing


Website: https://www.jenmons.com/ 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JenMonsCoaching 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jen.mons/ 

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXFG_uyCRg9nxM43jS9mvUg 


This podcast is to educate, inside, and inform the listeners of various pathways to wholistic well being.  This information is not to replace the advise of your physician, specialist, medical doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician. Please refer to full Medical Disclaimer Here.

Jen Mons

Jen Mons is mentor for healers, coaches, and conscious feminine leaders ready to activate their gifts, embody prosperity and create a legacy. She brings her experience as an Energy & Wellness Intuitive, Holistic Health & Life Coach, Licensed Spiritual Healer, Teacher, and Life Coach Trainer to her programs and retreats. She is the host of the Podcast “Body and Soul Wisdom” , formerly The Embodied Healing Self, since 2019, creator of The Feminine Leadership Method ™, Embodied Feminine CEO, 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Soul Wisdom Imprinting, and the Embodied Feminine CEO and Illuminate Your Soul Retreats. She coaches, mentors, and educates high achieving soul driven female coaches, and and entrepreneurs to redefine success and wealth. Clients arrive by seeking clarity, alignment, balanced energy, joy and fulfillment in their life by harnessing the energy of healing, transmuting saboteurs , owning body and soul wisdom, and clarity to step in to our unique soul wisdom legacy. Through her own life experience and health crises, she has mastered creating the foundation for a blueprint that is an energetic vibrational match for the highest expression of our soul signature and is the creator of the 6 step process “Soul Wisdom Imprinting”.


Ep 129 The 12 Pillars of Soul Illumination


Ep 127 Is Indecision your Cycle of Self Sabotage?