Jen Mons Coaching

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Ep. 13 Welcome Fear as the Catalyst for Change and Live in Abundance with Lloyd Burnett


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In this Episode Jen Share’s guest speaker Lloyd Burnett.  A spiritual teacher,  coach, writer, and author who mentors and teaches healing professionals to claim their inherent gifts and abundance. Lloyd teaches workshops on harnessing the power of limiting beliefs and fear as the catalyst for change and step into our abundant flow of life.

Enjoy the show!

Show Notes:

  • [01:00] About Lloyd Burnett

  • [10:00] Lloyd’s vulnerable shift to soul filled work

  • [14:12] Welcome the fearful part of you to join you and be a part of your experience.

  • [15:45] The practice of witnessing the fear to tap into the Divine Energy and support

  • [20:25 ] Aware attachments and fear

  • [23:20] “Gratitation" (Gratitude + Mediation) in moments of fear

  • [25:39] Gratitude for our fear allows us to claim our power and manifest

  • [31:40] Lloyd’s current leap of faith and moving through fear

  • [32:45 ] The ripple effect of us moving through our own fear

  • [38:52] The fear of letting go of identities, (especially when we are good at it)

  • [40:00] Welcome Abundance as our quality of life with clarity

  • [44:00] Pulling the thread on Clarity with presence


[14:30]  “”We know there is something we should do and we want it but we are too scared or uncomfortable’”

[14:52] “Invite the scared or fearful part of ourselves to jump on board”

[16:46] “As we step outside ourselves to observe our fear, we tap into something greater then ourselves, Divine, God.”

[20:24] “The attachment to anything creates the picture that we are separate and creates suffering “

[25:39] “Having Gratitude for our fear helps us to step into the fear to co-create and manifest in our reality”

[28:54] “The more we are wiling to be realistic and authentic about how uncomfortable our fear is, be with it, welcome it, ask for guidance…. then we can create the change”

[32:49] “It’s not just about us and our fear… its so much bigger then us”

[43:28] “We are always clear about our next steps that are in alignment with our soul’s path”


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This podcast is to educate, inside, and inform the listeners of various pathways to wholistic well being.  This information is not to replace the advise of your physician, specialist, medical doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician. Please refer to full Medical Disclaimer Here.