Knowing vs Believing and When to Take Action

So today we're going to talk about the difference between knowing and believing and when to take aligned action. So why are we talking about this? Because one of the things that I love to teach is the process and the methods of embodiment.

There's a lot of teachers out there that are saying, let go of the thoughts and drop into your heart. And I will always invite you to witness the thoughts, witness the emotions and drop into your body. And I love using somatic inquiry. Somatic practices and breath work as an invitation to do this because it resets the nervous system. It allows the wisdom and the truth of the body to speak. So the difference between knowing and believing and taking aligned action. There's a lot of thinking going on and not of a lot of aligned action happening all the time. 

So I'm wondering if you can relate to this. If you're a business owner, if you're a parent, you find yourself in the illusion of control, controlling everything your kids do or in a partnership, controlling everything in a partnership, a marriage, everything your kids do, everything in your business, hustling, grinding, doing all the things you think you're supposed to do to validate your own self worth. Then you're in consumer consciousness. You're consumed in the illusion of control. You think that consuming will bring you more. You think that more will make you more and make you feel like more, when in fact, it's actually the total opposite. When you decided to come into this earth, you came in with a free, open will and soul and spirit, ready to receive everything. You didn't really know anything. You learned to talk, to walk, to eat, to love, to laugh, to cry. You learned all those things. Think of how much you learn in the first couple of years of your life. And consumer consciousness can also be the addiction to learning, the addiction to healing. I say addiction, maybe that's not the right word, but the need to look for the next thing. And I myself found my own self witnessing myself in consumer consciousness through learning. I love to be a student. I love to learn. And it's also an easy way to step out of what I know I'm supposed to do and be here for what I am here for, which is to be a teacher. So the teacher is always the student. And there's a healthy balance in how much information we take in and how much we learn and how much we receive. How much we receive from source, from God coming straight into us for us to share. 

What is the difference between knowing and believing? Just sit with that for a moment and just notice how the different words feel in your body. If I say I believe in something, I believe in magic, I believe in aliens. I believe that my kids are good kids. I believe that I live in a great country. I believe in eating healthy. I believe these things. And then I sit with the energy of like, I know, I know I am. I am love, I am health. I am abundance. I am here. I am worthy. I am a light. I am love. I am loved. I am lovable. I am. Because I know it is totally different, a totally different energy. The knowing is rooted all the way down into the root chakra. That's what the root chakra is all about. It is primal. It is our reason to be here. It is safety. It is in that knowing and the believing is a little bit more in the energy of hope, right? I believe aliens exist, but I haven't actually seen them. But if I've seen them, I know they're here like I believe. Right? Just think about that for a moment. 

Do you want to continue believing in things? Do you want to believe in yourself? Do you want to believe in your self worth? Do you want to believe that if you work out, you're going to look better? Do you want to believe you're going to feel better? Do you want to believe if you eat healthy, you're going to look and feel better and be healthier? Or do you want to know it? Because knowing is so much more freedom and so much easier. But here's the thing. The knowing takes a little bit of devotion, work and commitment. The believing is a little bit less empowering because it implies that we believe it's possible. But when we know it's possible, we don't see ourselves as separate. We are the thing that we seek. What you are seeking is seeking you, because you are that thing. And that is where freedom comes. That's where empowerment comes. Truth. We kind of bypass all those little if then, but if, what if statements. No, there is none of that. And as we age, the less time we have for those things because they're just really distractions. Distractions from what we already do know. And all you really need to know is that you are love. You were created from love. You are here. You are unique. You are worthy. So I invite you to say that to yourself. I know I am. Start using the words I am whatever it is that you think that you're working on in your life. Because, again, that's just the ego. You already are. It's just the fact that you don't see that you are that. That's creating the space between what you are, which is your truth. Are you getting what I'm putting down? Because I know some of you out there are probably like, what the hell is she talking about? But the thing is that. Listen to what I'm saying: You are the thing that you're seeking. Your perception that you're not whole already is the breakdown. It is the wound, it is the separation. There isn't anything to fix or change. You can choose to make the experience more enjoyable. You can make good choices. You get to choose the experience. Become, be. I am. I know that experience because believing is a little bit more in the energy of just, like, thinking and believing, right? You think it, you believe it, which is in the heart, but when you know it, it's in the body. 

There's a lot of people talking about a healthy mindset and a healthy heart, but the true wisdom is dropping even further into the sacral and root chakra into your body. And that's the hardest part, actually being it so much that you don't even have to talk about it anymore. You don't even have to tell anybody. You just are that experience. That's what integrity is. Integrity is being in alignment. All the integral parts are in alignment. And true integrity is living being that experience. And when you are that experience, you don't have to tell people, you don't have to do anything because you are that thing. You are health, which means you make healthy decisions subconsciously. There's no unhealthy habits, because you've done the emotional wounding work around your own self worth so that you don't self sabotage with an unhealthy relationship with food or your body in any way, or love or money. Just replace food, body with love, money, it's all the same. So a lot of thinking leads to wanting to believe. If you want to transcend that, I'm going to invite you to know. And how you do that is by taking action. That's what bridges the gap. You have to be willing, you have to have the courage to take some action, take aligned action. Because if you don't take action, then you don't really know either way. 

A lot of times we figure out what we don't want by the choices that we made. That didn't turn out so good, but it was better than doing nothing at all and just thinking about it. So when we do a lot of thinking, like I want to do this, I want to create this. When you're in that space, just pick one thing. Keep it simple. Aligned action is from a place of intention. What's really happening is that too many people are too busy, too distracted, too reactive to their outside world. If you even find yourself saying the word I'm too busy, let's stop right there. Take a few steps back. My life is full. That's what I started saying instead of I'm too busy because busy implies misalignment. My life is full. I choose it to be full. I have the vitality and the energy for it to be full right now and I love it. Sometimes it wears me out because I give a lot to my kids, surf contests and dance competitions every weekend and it's super fun and it's not going to last forever. 

I invite you to be mindful of the words that you're using. There's an energy to your words. Notice what words you use and ask yourself, are my thoughts, emotions and actions aligned with my truth, my values? When I take action from a place of intention, then I know this to be true. My energy is sovereign. Every cell in my body is in integrity with my intention. Every cell in my body is aligned with my actions. I become the experience. I am the experience and therefore I know this to be true. I invite you to sit in that and notice the difference between fully owning and knowing and believing. We have to start somewhere. Faith. Having faith in something and believing in something, unwavering faith is what gets you to knowing. And when you really have true faith and trust, you can take aligned action through intention. And from that place you step into the knowing. We need more light leaders, knowing and showing the way. 

There are too many people living in the overwhelm, unhappy, unfulfilled in their marriage, unfulfilled as a parent, unfulfilled in their jobs and careers. Uncomfortable. Life happens and it is your time to choose. How do you want this experience, this life experience to be? What do you want to embody? It actually doesn't take much. It doesn't take much to create a lot. It takes less to create more. I'm going to say that again. It doesn't take much to create a lot to be fulfilled. It takes less to create more. Because it's about receiving. It's about opening up, creating space and receiving, allowing the community, the energy of the community, the consciousness to come together, to collaborate, to support. Right? Because when we're in the other consciousness and lack and scarcity, we're making it all about us. Totally ego driven. But when we're in trust, we make it about we and us. We as part of us. I should say not us as in the individual, but us as a collective. 

So I want to invite you and encourage you this year to set the intention to start owning and knowing your truth, living in it without the need to be validated, even, doesn't even matter if you're seen or heard in it. Without the expectation that anything's going to magically heal a relationship or bring you all the clients you want, or bring you wealth or health or the love of your life. Letting go of the expectation, letting go of judgment and just allowing and receiving. And be curious if what it is that you are willing to allow or receive is beyond and greater than you ever even gave yourself permission to experience. Because so often with the women that I have worked with over the years, every single goal that we create is limiting. We are so much more amazing and majestical and extraordinary, truly, than we give ourselves credit for. We do it to play safe. We keep ourselves small because we have a fear of being rejected and abandoned and kicked out of the tribe. And yeah, that Marianne Williamson poem, “our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are more powerful than we can ever imagine.” Choose your own energy management, how to spend your time, your energy, your words, your acts of service with yourself.



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Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.

Jen Mons

Jen Mons is mentor for healers, coaches, and conscious feminine leaders ready to activate their gifts, embody prosperity and create a legacy. She brings her experience as an Energy & Wellness Intuitive, Holistic Health & Life Coach, Licensed Spiritual Healer, Teacher, and Life Coach Trainer to her programs and retreats. She is the host of the Podcast “Body and Soul Wisdom” , formerly The Embodied Healing Self, since 2019, creator of The Feminine Leadership Method ™, Embodied Feminine CEO, 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Soul Wisdom Imprinting, and the Embodied Feminine CEO and Illuminate Your Soul Retreats. She coaches, mentors, and educates high achieving soul driven female coaches, and and entrepreneurs to redefine success and wealth. Clients arrive by seeking clarity, alignment, balanced energy, joy and fulfillment in their life by harnessing the energy of healing, transmuting saboteurs , owning body and soul wisdom, and clarity to step in to our unique soul wisdom legacy. Through her own life experience and health crises, she has mastered creating the foundation for a blueprint that is an energetic vibrational match for the highest expression of our soul signature and is the creator of the 6 step process “Soul Wisdom Imprinting”.

Self-Love and Self Compassion: The Foundation for Relationships


Energy Mastery through Expansion and Contraction